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5 ways the BEST ePOS companies use payments to scale fast in ANY economy

The BEST ePOS companies are taking over. In the UK, 40% of new merchants are ALREADY buying their payments DIRECTLY bundled {software + payments} from their ePOS provider.  Why?  Because SMEs choose their software first, and then their payments provider.  Not the other way around.  They buy Shopify...then Shopify Payments, Lightspeed...then Lightspeed Payments, ePOSNow...then ePOSNow Payments...

The best ePOS companies understand their advantage and use it to power EVERYTHING else.  Are you missing out?  Are they growing faster than you?

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About our payment strategy guide

You are no longer competing with "pen and paper."  You are competing with global ePOS that are coming to the UK with a powerful business model.  It is imperative that you understand how they work and how they win.

Their "secret" is payments.  They make as much as 70% of their revenues from payments.  Are you?

In this guide, we'll show you how the best ePOS use payments to win more customers, win them faster, and win more from each of them.  

The same potential exists for you, but you need to understand:

  • If your payments options are helping or hindering your growth
  • HOW the best ePOS use payments to power their growth
  • The capabilities you need from your payments provider in order to catch up ASAP

In this research-backed guide for ePOS CEOs, find ways that you can grow faster in ANY economy.  And, as a bonus, find out what specific 2023 regulatory change is opening the SME market to ePOS in ways never seen before.


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How do you know which trajectory you are on?

We have helped over 100 companies from California to South Africa transform their growth with payments. We are passionate about the future of software + payments and want to share the secrets we have learned, including:

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Some payments strategies actually hinder your growth. Is yours?

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Payments strategies used by the best ePOS power rapid growth. They're repeatable and achievable. Learn what you can do today.

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You need specific capabilities from your payments provider to catch up to the best ASAP

David Gusjonsson payment strategy expert

About the Author

David Gudjonsson

David Gudjonsson has 20 years of payments experience and is an entrepreneur who has built (and sold) software companies in the US, UK, Spain, and Iceland. He generously shares his payment strategy expertise with other software entrepreneurs as they work to unify payments and software. David is currently the CEO of Handpoint, a payments platform trusted by Paysafe, Lloyds Bank, WorkWave, and many others.